"West Wing" Gapfill exercise

Below is a short one minute dialogue from episode 8 of the West Wing (series one) where the President is describing his Chief of Staff’s day. Some verbs are missing. Complete the extract with your best guess and then listen to the original soundtrack to check your answers (one word, or contraction like "it's", for each gap).

If you use the 'Hint' button below you cannot score 100%
President: These are just some of the things your father today. He with the Director of the CIA and an intelligence briefing regarding stores of plutonium in a country which, … shall we just say …, is not on our Christmas card list.
He a compromise among Senate Democrats for funding of something fairly trivial, but I quite what this was, oh … yes of course, the US Army, yes. He with my Chief Counsel to discuss the news, that it’s possible several federal laws in the week and may serve from one to three years in prison after resigning my office in disgrace. How that go by the way?
Leo:We’re fine.
President: Cool. Aah. He a security briefing, a Central American briefing and a position paper and me throughout the day on a bad decision I make. Oh and by the way, this a very light day